Configure Wildcard SSL to Amazon EC2 with Amazon Route 53 + NGINX + Docker

Bismo Baruno
7 min readMay 1, 2020


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Hi everyone! With me again and again to share some experience, though or opinion about technology related with software engineering field. On previous story, we learn about configuring domain and subdomain to Amazon EC2 with Amazon Route 53. Both of the story can be found here: and

Nowadays, configuring domain mostly have SSL inside it. What is SSL? SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is an encryption-based Internet security protocol. In a short way, SSL would secure our connection to the server because it was encrypted.


There are ton of Free SSL and Paid SSL Certificate. The difference is Paid SSL maybe have more support, warrant and long validity. And the Free SSL doesn’t have it.

It’s mean sometimes we will facing the expired of SSL and our connection become insecure. Make sure we remember when the SSL expired or make real-time notification. In this part we will use Free SSL by on our NGINX proxy.

Because we already use Docker for running NGINX, we will setup the SSL inside the Docker as well. We will use Docker Compose for this part for easily configure multiple port and mount the volume.

What’s Compose?

Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. With Compose, we use a YAML file to configure our application’s services. Then, with a single command, we create and start all the services from your configuration.

1. Setup Docker Compose

Following the installation from official Docker web

Download the current stable release of Docker Compose:

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Apply executable permissions to the binary:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

Test installation:

docker-compose --version
Picture 1 Test Installation of Docker Compose

2. Setup SSL Certificate

Visit this link and fill the domain into the form then click Create Free SSL Certificate button.

Picture 2 Create Free SSL Certificate

Choose Manual Verification and Manually Verify Domain button will be appear. Just click it.

Picture 3 Manually Verify Domain

We will have 2 files that should be downloaded. Just click the Download File #1 and Download File #2. The file would begin downloaded shortly.

Picture 4 Download File Verification

Move the downloaded files into AWS Key Pair directory for easily movement


Copy the downloaded file into server (I’m using SCP)

scp -i "aws_go_app.pem" dqaj9QX60Ia06dpgAWTSq23QgYFyJvsKTLgxk6mMhAk pRO0QTAWVCFNuY9P-t6UvZmvwjz2Ik4eljvDZKIRZyY

Connect to the instance

ssh -i "aws_go_app.pem"

Create directory for the verification file in the server, let say .well-known/acme-challenge inside nginx directory

mkdir -p nginx/.well-known/acme-challenge
mv dqaj9QX60Ia06dpgAWTSq23QgYFyJvsKTLgxk6mMhAk pRO0QTAWVCFNuY9P-t6UvZmvwjz2Ik4eljvDZKIRZyY nginx/.well-known/acme-challenge/

Modify NGINX configuration for serve those file by adding this line on domain config serve.

location /.well-known/acme-challenge/ {
alias /var/www/;

The full config will be like this

We will move into docker compose file, then create docker-compose.yml file with contain this code

We need stop the NGINX current service, and re-run using docker compose. First find the container id user docker ps

docker ps

Stop the container with docker stop command

docker stop [CONTAINER ID]

Run the service by docker-compose command

docker-compose up -d

For generating the certificates, back to the SSL For Free webpage, and click Download SSL Certificate button.

Picture 5 Download SSL Certificate

If certificates successfully generated, we will redirected to the page that show our certificates. Next, click Download All SSL Certificate Files button.

Picture 6 Download All SSL Certificate Files

3. Config SSL Certificate

Don’t forget to allow HTTPS incoming traffic for our instance. Go to and choose EC2 service. On instances list, choose the row on Security Groups column

Picture 7 Go to Security Groups

We will redirected to Security Groups list. Click the row on the Security Group ID column

Picture 8 Choose Security Groups

Edit inbound rules by clicking the button

Picture 9 Edit Inbound Rules

Add HTTPS rule with source form anywhere. Then Save rules.

Picture 10 Add HTTPS Rule

Back to the downloaded certificates, we will have zip file that contain 3 certificates: ca_bundle.crt, certificate.crt and private.key

Extract and copy those directory into instance like we did on verification files.

scp -i "aws_go_app.pem" -r sslforfree

Last step, we should modify our NGINX conf for supporting ssl and put the certificate. Also modify the docker-compose.yml for mounting the certificates.

Yeah, we almost done! We should restart the NGINX service, find the container id with docker ps command

docker ps

Stop the container with docker stop command

docker stop [CONTAINER ID]

Run the service by docker-compose command

docker-compose up -d
Picture 11 Accessing Domain with HTTPS
Picture 12 Certificate is Valid

And Yes, it’s works! Now we can access the domain and subdomain with HTTPS ! But, oops?! When we try to accessing our subdomain, seems the SSL not working properly. And the solution is using Wildcard SSL.

4. Setup Wildcard SSL Certificate

Wildcard SSL Certificate saves our time and money from managing separate SSL certificate for each sub-domain, our cheap Wildcard SSL certificates can secure the fully qualified domain name and its all sub-domains

Picture 13 SSL on Subdomain Invalid

Luckily, supported Wildcard SSL for free. So we can modify our certificate for also implement SSL to all our subdomain. Let’s go back to the site. We should input 2 data separated by space, the second is for Wildcard SSL.

  • *
Picture 14 Create Wildcard SSL Certificate

In this step, we just have 1 option compared to when doesn’t included Wildcard SSL. Click the button for proceed to the next step.

Picture 15 Manually Verify Domain

The next step will be a little bit different. We should add some TXT record to our DNS. Because we use Amazon Route 53, we will input the data there.

Picture 16 TXT Records

Open Amazon Route 53. Go to Hosted zones. Choose the domain for adding the TXT record.

Picture 17 Go to Hosted Zones
Picture 18 Go to Record Data

Click on Create Record Set button, fill the information based on We need to input:

  • Name with _acme-challenge
  • Type with TXT -Text
  • TTL (Seconds) with 1
  • Value with two data from sslfofree, in this part we can input multiple values on separate lines

Last, click Create button for generating the record.

Picture 19 Create Record Data

Back to we can verify the TXT record by clicking some link. And if TXT records was found, we can continue to download the certificates.

Picture 20 Verify TXT Records and Download the Certificate
Picture 21 TXT Records Found
Picture 22 Download All SSL Certificate Files

5. Config Wildcard SSL Certificate

Let’s repeat the step for copying our certificates into server using scp and restart the NGINX service using docker stop and docker-compose up.

After we did well those step, refresh our subdomain address.

Picture 23 Accessing Subdomain with HTTPS
Picture 24 Subdomain has Valid Certificate

Yeah finally our subdomain have a valid certificate !

Hope you enjoy it, I’m happy if this article useful for you! Happy Pointing!

Thank you!

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Bismo Baruno
Bismo Baruno

Written by Bismo Baruno

Software Engineer | Traveler | Guitarist | J-Lovers

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