Configure Domain to Google Compute Engine with Google Cloud DNS
Hi everyone! With me again and again to share some experience, though or opinion about technology related with software engineering field. On previous story, we already learn about deploying application to Google Compute Engine. The story can be found in this link:
Then, how about if we want to change the Google Compute Engine IP Address with our domain? In this part, we will learn how to configure our domain to our Google Compute Engine instance with Google Cloud DNS.
Go to GCP console link
Click Navigation Menu and scroll down to Network services. Choose Cloud DNS on the submenu.
After choose the service, we will redirected to Cloud DNS page, next step, click Create zone button for hosted the zone.
Fill the form based on your domain. After everything is done, click Create button.
After successfully created, we will redirected to Zone details page with the domain information based on our input on previous step.
Change your name servers domain (I’m using Namecheap) with the name servers from Google:
Back to Zone details page, add record by clicking Add record set button.
Fill the information for DNS Name and IPv4 Address then click Create button. IPv4 Address can be found on VM instances page from Compute Engine menu.
Wait for the moment, maybe can be took until 48 hours or just a few minutes, after configuration has been done by system, we can access our instance using domain name.
Voila, it’s works! Now you can access the App by our domain!
Hope you enjoy it, I’m happy if this article useful for you! Happy Coding!
Thank you!
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- Configure Subdomain :
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